William Dalebout

William Dalebout

NAME: William Dalebout

William is an obscure American artist who is kinda sorta famous in China, where he has been for 14 years now and can’t seem to be able to get out.

He deals exclusively in vector and his art has been described as definitely kind of retro or something.

He incorporates a lot of domestic themes paired with cartoon violence into his work and we’re concerned just what kind of issues he’s got that makes him feel the need to do this.

Actually most of his stuff is just… nice. Not even in a dark way just nice.

William has worked for clients like Coca Cola, Volkswagen, Vrij Nederland, Sony Pictures, Disney Cruise Lines, 什什么值得买, ⽪皮⽪皮鲁, and 站酷.

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William Dalebout-Tour de Rotterdam-navy